Calisa Poodles - The finest in reds Calisa Poodles - The finest in reds
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Silver Character
"Mickey Mouse has nothing on me - I don't just look like a real character - I am a real character!" - A beautiful Calisa Silver Poodle puppy boy.
Ultra Red
Ultra Red - a beautiful Calisa Champion sired Red Poodle puppy.
Dapper Am I
Yes, I am a Calisa Red Champion sired dapper little Red guy!
Pepper Red
Yes, that is a sparkle in my eye as I consider a show career like my Red Calisa Champion mother and father.
Red Smile
You would smile, too, if you had my big glamorous ears!
Royal Too!
Here is the Royal Fireworks standing four square.
The Little Won
The Little Won! A Calisa Champion sired tiny red poodle. Will she ever reach 3 and one half pounds?
Scarlettt the Beautiful Valentine
Scarlettt basking - is it the sunshine or the attention?
Tall Red and Handsome
Fiery red as his Champion father, and as sweet a personality as his mother.
Too Cute by Half - That's Me!
Too Cute by half - that's me! Both my parents are beautiful Calisa Champion red poodles - and I've inherited their looks, style, charm, and a tiny ego.
Absolutely inky black with the same marvelous personality and beautiful looks for which a true Calisa Poodle is known!
It's a Hot One!
It's a Hot One! The day and the dog!
Beautiful AND Loyal
Bet you can't take your eyes off of me - I promise I won't take my eyes off of you!
Just a Little Angel
Just a Little Angel - with a touch of Diva! Gorgeous red Calisa poodle, both parents Calisa red Champions!
Perfectly Pretty
One of the most beautiful Red Poodles in a perfectly tiny red poodle package.
A Red Bundle
A Red bundle of poodle personality. Happy and bright - and handsome, too - a Calisa Red poodle.
Kisses for Everyone
Kisses for Everyone, especially those with cameras!
Not Only Very Handsome
Not only very handsome, but a very red real sweetheart, too!
Mr. Ebony
Mr. Ebony - This Calisa Champion sired little guy is as inky as the come!
Spring Edition!
Spring Edition - A very happy Calisa red poodle puppy with lots of style and lots of love!
I Will Always Be!
I will always be a baby bear - a perfect size for all occasions!
Really Red and Really Little
Really Red and Really Little - and always will be tiny - In size, mind you, not personality! Both parents Calisa Champion Red Poodles.
Calisa Really Rich Red
Calisa Really Rich Red - Look at those dark eyes and inky black nose, too! Parents Optigen tested Calisa Champion Red Poodles.
I've Got Looks!
I've Got Looks, personality, and gleaming good health!....And plenty of self esteem...a Champion sired Calisa Red Poodle Puppy.
Really, Really Red(dy) for my Close-up
Really, really Red(dy) for my close-up. Yes, ready for my close-up - really red, beautiful dark eyes and those glamorous Calisa Red Poodle ears!
Calisa Crimson
Calisa Crimson - the name many Calisa Champion Red Poodles carry and appropriate for this red poodle puppy, too!
Crimson Mini Bear
Crimson Mini Bear - and he is a real live Calisa Red Poodle Puppy!
Pure Gold
It's not that often Calisa Poodles, Home of the Finest in Reds, has Apricot, but then it is Pure Gold!
A Perfectly Red
A Perfectly Red Champion sired Calisa Red Poodle Puppy. A Perfect Sweetheart!
Scarlet Special
Scarlet Special - My sister may be a future Calisa Red Poodle Champion, but I am a very special Scarlet Girl!
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